It doesn’t matter if you are a blogger, internet marketer or web designer, these are all must have add-ons for your browser, which will help you in one way or another. Some of them more often then others, but they are always good to have. This is a list of Firefox/Chrome add-ons and 1 which is not browser related but I use it everyday too.
There are times you have to analyze your website for SEO or web design purposes. Sometimes you need to find out why is your website falling apart, or just to take a screen shot of the whole page, or maybe to find out the exact hexadecimal color your competitor is using in his logo. If you want to know how to do all that and more, keep reading…
Edit, debug and monitor HTML, CSS and JavaScript live in your browser. That is exactly what FireBug provides. Simple but effective interface with advanced options. Let’s say you want to make some changes on your website design, few CSS tweaks, nothing complicated. You can easily look at the HTML and CSS code, find the classes and ids you need and write your CSS right within FireBug and see the changes you made live. If you like what you see, just copy those edits to your HTML/CSS file and you are done. Simple, quick and useful. I use it multiple times per day and it has helped me and saved me countless hours.
SEO Quake
I started learning SEO when I created my first blog, 10 years ago, and I just loved it. Back then there were not many tools, at least not in a form of browser add-on that could help you find out many different statistics about the website, including PageRank, domain age, indexed links, number of backlinks etc. Instead you had to use a lot of different tools and websites to find that out, loosing a lot of time, which you could spend a lot better by optimizing your website for SEO and planning your link building strategy. Today we have this great tool (add-on) which does just that. Among all the things I listed, you can even see Alexa rank of the website you are viewing, Twitter and Facebook count, WhoIs domain records, follow/no-follow links, SEM Rush rank and many more. One of the best features is an option to view all that data within Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page), so when you Google something, you can see SEO data about that specific url before you even decide to visit it.
Talking about solving a simple and often problem, I salute the creator of this add-on. How many times did you wonder what’s the width of this sidebar? Or, what’s the height of this header? Or what’s the size of this one column content area? I don’t about you, but I have, a lot. Sometime I don’t want to get into the coding of the website, sometime I just need simple info about the size of some area on the website I am currently viewing. MeasureIt add-on is a perfect solution to do that. With just a click (to enable it) you can measure anything you see and anything you want on the website you are looking at.
Just like MeasureIt helping you find the exact measure of something, finding out the exact hexadecimal color or RGB color of a certain background, border or any other element of the website, is an information I often need to know. ColorZilla gives you live eyedropper tool to find out what is that beautiful shade of blue on letter B in eBay’s logo, or any other color on any website you might visit. It even has palette browser, color picker and CSS gradient generator included within its option – amazing.
I know a lot of people use FileZilla or similar FTP clients to connect with their servers, but I find it distracting to change windows when I need to upload or download something from my hosting account. This is why I love FireFTP, a great FireFox add-on that has all functionalists as stand-alone FTP client, just within your Firefox browser.
*Unfortunately, I couldn’t find good FTP solution for Google Chrome, so I’d rather not recommend anything. If you use one please share it in comments.
WebDeveloper add-on, like its name says, is created for web developers. Here you can find pretty much anything related to how some website is built, from controlling and editing CSS code, managing and viewing information about images, viewing document outline (great for SEO) to validation tools for HTML and CSS and literally finding out about every single detail of info used in creation of a website.
I hated those Print Screen options you get on your PC or Mac, it can take a screenshot of the whole part of the page you are viewing, or you can even select the part of the page you would like to take a screenshot of, but it couldn’t take a screenshot of the whole page (even the part you don’t see unless you scroll down). ScreenGrab add-on does just that, plus, you can even copy and upload certain parts of the page, or the whole page if you wish.
Jing is a screen capture tool, which you can use everywhere on your PC/Mac, not just in your browser. It lets you to take a capture of a part of screen you select and save it or upload it as an image or even video. In other words, you can even record screen for up to 5 minutes and upload it automatically to your Jing library, or save it to your computer. The best thing is, if you decide to upload it, as soon as upload is finished, Jing copies the link of your screen capture image/video to clipboard, that way all you need to do is paste it where ever you wanted to.
And what’s your favorite Firefox/Chrome add-on? Do you already use any of these ones I mentioned above?