Another successful month of entrepreneurship has gone by, but this one had a couple of bumps and bruises that I didn't experience in January.
Nothing major... just pretty much broke my entire website for a day or so.
In this video, you'll learn exactly what I did so you know what NOT to do.
Sound good?
Thought so.
Recap of month 2
So what did I do?
Essentially, I didn't listen to my own advice.
You see, my main purpose online is to help people find the perfect tools for their next project.
And I stand true to that mission. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of it by sharing great tips like full tutorials on Cartflows and Thrive Apprentice (something I haven't seen done before), and of course helping you find the perfect landing page builder.
But there's a major problem with my mission:
Keeping myself from jumping around.?
And in a moment of frustration, I thought it would be a lovely idea to try to completely redo my website using different tools.
Don't let GREAT be the enemy of GOOD
As an engineer, I was often tasked to find the absolute optimal solution for a given problem. But in entrepreneurship TIME is so much more valuable than the perfect set up that you need to be OK with accepting a decent but not perfect solution.
What was the damage?
Well, to put it bluntly - it hurt...
Take a look:

But even more than losing a bit of traffic for a few days, I realized the valuable lesson of commitment and testing.
The value of Commitment
Not talking about marriage (although that's pretty darn important too!) but the commitment of your digital marketing stack.
If you want to build a real business online, it's important that you learn to accept good enough and commit to your technology.
Now not forever, but at least long enough to fully understand its benefits and drawbacks.
Eventually there will come a product that absolutely crushes your existing toolset, and that will warrant a change.
But if you don't give your current tools enough time to settle in and let you fully understand them, you may run the risk of switching to a marginally better tool, and wasting valuable time and energy in the process.
And it's not just time and energy
If you already have clients, customers, leads or whatever - you have to be willing to lose a little bit of face with them when you make a huge shift on your website.
Now, obviously they should be cool with it over time, but there's always that initial shock of "hey has my password changed?" and things like that.
Best to avoid if possible.
The Value of Testing
The problem with commitment is that if you never test other products and tools, you'll never know if a better one exists!
What I recommend is to always have a second (or third!) website that you can test the runner-up products that you are considering switching to.
Run them for a few weeks or months and really get a handle on how life would be with them.
Make a few sales (even if it's just a test) to understand the workflow.
Try to really understand the pros and cons of the next solution before you abandon your existing one.
Follow your passions
Having some test websites on the side is a great way to pursue your passions while keeping your main website on topic.
Trying a new Keto diet? Start a side blog about it and test out a different page builder!
I've told you mine. What's yours?
So that's my embarrassing story of February. Tell me about a time when you did something you totally knew was wrong in the moment, but you just couldn't resist testing something you shouldn't have.
Leave your story in the comments below!