This is the first monthly update of my journey of building my business online - shared with you in full transparency.
In the video you are going to learn:
Why I left my 6-figure job
- The back story of Start A Mom Blog and my wife's exciting journey
- The opportunity cost of corporate America
- Living out my Family-First philosophy
The Income Mesh Strategy
- Year 1 and Year 2 are my tuition years - focus on providing valuable content and growing my own skills. Serve first, monetize second.
- Starting a website from scratch vs buying an existing domain (I did option #2)
- Accelerate my own learning and expertise through client-work. I already make more per hour than I got at my job, and I work on interesting projects that I love!
First Month Statistics

- Where is my website traffic coming from? How did I grow in my first month?
- How is my Youtube channel performing?
All this and more in the video above - enjoy!
Video Transcript
let me ask you a question would you
leave a comfortable six-figure paying
job where you had a corner office with a
nice big glass window and a total team
of people calling you boss and would you
leave that to start making YouTube
videos on the internet and blogging
about technology and staying home with
your three little kids well I did and
its been about a month since I have
left and in this video Im gonna start
to tell you that story hey guys john
here from in kamesh comm and todays
videos gonna be a little different from
what weve done in the past where im
not gonna go into a very in-depth
tutorial Im gonna get a little personal
in this video and start to kind of
explain to you who I am if youve been
on YouTube you kind of seem a little bit
cropping out of nowhere and I want to
explain my backstory a little bit as
well as once a month I want to dive into
my analytics and show you kind of how
the progress is going of becoming an
entrepreneur using digital marketing and
YouTube and blogging to you know propel
your own business so first a little bit
about me so I wasnt always a blogger I
wasnt born a blogger I actually just
left corporate America about a month ago
in the end of December as a Christmas
present to my wife where I had a very
nice comfortable middle management
position at an amazing company in the
automotive industry
I managed a team I worked on data and
analytics and did a lot of logistical
planning and it was a it was a cool life
it was good gig however I felt it was
time to take a risk you I had turned 30
this past year and I knew that it was
time for me to take my life into my own
hands and not really be held at the whim
of somebody else to make my future for
me already a few years ago we had
started to take steps towards that
because my wife Suzie when we had our
first child our first daughter she
decided to leave we decided for her to
leave her job and stay home and be a
full-time mom and in her downtime when
the baby wasnt happening we discovered
vlogging she and I both kind of
gravitated towards it we loved it and
she worked really hard every single day
and I dont know when I went off to work
at like 5 oclock in the morning she
would wake up early and if the baby was
down and she blogged a little bit and
write some articles and she began to
grow her own business and me using my
kind of data analytical background with
my corporate job I was able to help her
and help her grow it and scale it and it
became a real business over the course
of 3 to 4 years to where she was earning
more money than I wasnt my six-figure
it became like why am I still in my
corporate job if I could do even half of
what she is doing why would I not take
that risk now you know at this point we
do have three children three young
children two of them are still in
diapers so we have a lot going on in the
house and the corporate job I started to
understand the future that it would be
you know even if I pushed it every
single day and did the most effort I
possibly could
Im looking at maybe four or five maybe
six percent raise year-over-year and
thats still a very good chunk of change
especially if youre already at a good
level of earning however once my wifes
business started to take off it wasnt
uncommon for us to see 10 20 30 percent
growth of income month over month so the
acceleration and the growth curve can be
that much greater when you take the
business into your own hands
so I decided that it was time for me to
go and take a risk Im not getting any
younger here and I have so much
passionate about this topic of digital
marketing and all the different software
tools and learning how to integrate
things together that I decided to make
the plunge and even though you know the
ability to make more money and the
ability to have more autonomy was
exciting for me it wasnt the primary
driver for me the primary driver is I
know that this is the only time that Im
gonna have with my three little kids
being so young and I value family first
its kind of what I do everything for so
I knew that even if I made less money
and even if we had to downsize our
lifestyle which we dont really live
that that extremely wealthy or anything
like that I wanted to be there in this
time for my kids and you know put my
everything I had into them so thats why
I decided to start in kamesh and work on
this project together with you guys but
I didnt actually start in kamesh and
let me go into the strategy a little bit
of what Ive been doing is I actually
found a blog those up for sale a few
months ago and this was almost like you
know divine intervention where the Lord
you know gave us an opportunity here
theres a gentleman over in Europe who
was trying to get out of his blog and
start something new and the website was
several years old which is a huge value
for me but youll see when we get into
our SEO analytics here in a second so I
decided actually instead of start from
scratch purchased an already existing
one you know it wasnt a huge fan of the
name it is what it is but the content
was somewhat relevant to what I wanted
to do and the domain had been around for
a while so it had some intrinsic
benefits when it comes to ranking your
content on the Internet
so in this video were gonna do is talk
about the strategy Ive been taking with
my first month of in kamesh as well as
the actual statistics of how the
websites been going for this first month
so lets first talk about this strategy
so right now Im kind of taking this
year and potentially even next year its
kind of like going back to college and
getting my MBA or something where Im
putting a lot of time a lot of energy
maybe a little bit of money into my
education but Im not really expecting
an income coming directly from it that
was the original strategy Im telling
myself let me just focus on growing this
thing and Ill worry about monetizing it
later so my big focus was on just
creating content creating YouTube
content blog content and slowly start to
build a little bit of authority in the
niche a little bit Authority and in this
area I know theres some huge huge
amazing people who put out content
similar to mine and so I just want to
start to become noticed in the space and
thats what Ive been doing recently but
I knew that the passive income of
affiliate marketing and selling course
Enola I knew that would take a while
before it really started to pick up at
so I also included some client work into
my strategy to kind of bridge the gap
between corporate America where I did
nothing but go to meetings and meet with
people and solve their problems and and
then go into the Entrepreneurship
solopreneur ship world of kind of a bit
of a quieter lifestyle fit of a you know
create valuable content answer some
comments on YouTube and go to bed so I
needed to have that bridge for my own
sanity because I am very used Ive been
in corporate America for almost a decade
and Im used to that lifestyle and I
also wanted to accelerate my learning I
mean how can I recommend the right tools
for you unless I have had to go on a
one-by-one basis individual cases and
find the right tools for clients so at
this point Ive already had I think four
clients theyre all paying clients its
actually been an extreme surprise to me
because they found me all organically
through the content Ive already put out
on the Internet so most of them have
found me through some of my you know
thrive tutorials on YouTube and things
of that nature and they reached out said
hey I like your stuff you seem like a
trustworthy guy can we work together and
so already in my first month I think
Ive actually achieved my salary from
corporate America just a month ago when
I was at my peak earning levels and
thats purely from I guess the hustle of
helping people solve their problems you
know quick little tip if you want to
work with me I go ahead and head over in
kamesh comm slash work with me Ill put
a link in the description below we can
set up a free strategy call this is not
like a promotional
but if you are interested if you are
trying to solve your problem maybe I can
help you with that so thats pretty much
the strategy create content provide
value offer my services simply as a way
to learn help and serve as well as keep
my head on straight because I dont know
if Id be able to just deal with I guess
as a as a guy as a dude or whatever like
going six months without earning a
dollar that would be a struggle for me
already I am earning passive income
through some affiliate deals affiliate
marketing as well as actually I did
launch a course because I dove into
Gutenberg and I really really enjoyed it
and I thought hey why dont I teach some
people how to use this as a page builder
so I launched Gutenberg hero as my first
little introductory course and if you
want to check that one out as well use
gute for me Ill put the coupon code in
the description below and you can get
that for 80% off just as a little
thank-you for watching me on youtube so
when you can expect going forward is at
least at a minimum three videos a week
on YouTube and Im trying to get to
where I publish a big meaty useful
article on my blog once per week so
thats what my strategy is Im loving
the client work Ill be doing some
updates along the way as if youre
trying to figure out if you want to do
freelance or agency work as well as the
whole YouTube game or any other digital
marketing activity Im shockingly
surprised at how much Ive enjoyed it
and maybe I just have great clients
which I do have great clients but its
been a great experience for me but lets
waste no more time lets go ahead and
dive into the the details here and well
start with my analytic I dashboard and
elyda Phi is an awesome tool it actually
brings the power of Google Analytics
into your website into your actual
WordPress dashboard so here you can see
I only have one guy online thank you
whoever this one person is but were
gonna look real quickly here get myself
over let me just hide myself this is my
paid views and what about what is our
time frame here looks like we got one
month time frame lets just refresh real
quick here we go this was about right so
for visitors this is month over month so
from December 31st to January 31st and
then the green is last month November to
December so this is before I quit so
what you can actually see here is we
made an announcement around here about
what we were doing and I think I got a
little bit of my wifes traffic onto the
website which Im very grateful for but
that is simply a since died off and
youre starting to see now the actual
benefits of my efforts of a steadily
rising curve of visitors over time what
Ive also done in my first month
and part of my strategy is instead of
using a teachable instead of using a
podía or one of these learning
management systems to host my own
courses on I am determined to find the
perfect technology stack to launch my
courses on my own website because I want
the page view benefit of having your
courses on your own website you know if
you are using a teachable then any
backlink that people are trying to do to
you know be an affiliate for your
product thats giving backlink power to
teachable any pageviews that theyre
working on your courses is pageviews
that are at giving power to teachable I
want that power for my website its
selfish I know but its going to help my
website grow in the long term it just is
a bit of a hurdle on the technology side
to get over in the beginning but I am
determined obviously to find the perfect
tool for my project so Ill show you
what that is once I feel like it was
fully dialed in but what you can see
already is since I started to launch you
know Gutenberg hero and some of the
other courses like convert Ive turned
those into courses on my website using
learn as my learning management system
and you can start to see a steady rise
of page views as well month over month
and this is obviously what we want to
see so we go down into the general
statistics you can see my sessions so
thats basically the number of sessions
a period of time of users on the website
thats up over fifty percent over month
over month my time on site this is
another big one if you have course
content which is generally very video
heavy its going to keep people on your
website a bit longer all these things
are good indicators to Google so my time
on site is up over 66% my bounce rate is
its kind of confusing but its down 11%
which means its good but its down so
my bouncer has done to 57 percent page
uses up over a hundred and twenty
percent month-over-month and guys
obviously this is going from a website
that was not very actively worked on so
I dont expect expect these data points
to continue at this rate I would love if
they did but obviously thats not
realistic and you can also see pages per
session is about three which is up 40% a
month over month so obviously all very
healthy good-looking statistics here
where are people finding me from and
what are they doing so you can see the
top pages where people are going to
homepage the dashboard courses etc etc
kind of makes sense there where people
are finding me as well as what I wanted
to show you here
is where people are coming from and this
is kind of the benefit of buying a
website that had already existed my
number one source of traffic even though
you know I havent put out a ton of
content on my blog yet but YouTube is
how people are finding you mostly 415
page views coming from Google and 192
you know half of that is coming from
YouTube even though Im putting much
more effort into YouTube Im not getting
the return on that investment yet Google
however because my website is over four
years old in Googles eyes even though I
am kind of a new administrator to it it
is still helping me quite a lot you can
see here Im testing out doing some
Facebook lives Ill be honest with you I
dont know if Ill continue it because
unfortunately Im just not that social
of a person I prefer you know one-on-one
interactions the whole Facebook thing is
just not my cup of tea at this moment
etc etc so and you can see some of the
page views that are doing well here so
thats kind of a look at my website
now lets took a quick look at YouTube
so here we also have 28 days and I think
we can compare Im still getting used to
the analytics in this system as well but
lets just take a look at the last 28
days you can see Ive been on a pretty
consistent publishing schedule doing
about 3 per week I had the intent around
here at the beginning to do one per day
and then I realized Id rather get to a
schedule I can commit to and then maybe
over deliver at times versus commit to
the harder schedule possible and fall
off because I wanted to give some time
to actually create courses create blog
content and spend time with my family
and also work with client work so
theres a lot of demands there on the
time but you can still see a month over
month again were up almost the exact
same so watch time versus sessions
youve got our sessions over here month
over month was up our time on site was a
68% my watch time is up 68% views is up
over 80% and subscribers is up 68% so
you know Im happy I mean for a first
month I think things are going the right
the in general sentiment people think
that what Im providing is valuable and
good content and Im having a great time
so I dont really know what else you
could really want there so I havent
really dived into the optimization
strategies yet of how Im going to work
you know catapults in my youtube channel
Im gonna grow my blog Im gonna use
Facebook Ads or any other paid form of
marketing at this point everything is
just organic and Im actually trading my
time for dollars which I know everybody
in the online space is like oh no never
do that but Im enjoying trading my time
for dollars in the beginning as Im
getting everything ready to go and my
feet under my body working through this
process one question that a lot of my
real-life friends are asking me is you
know have you Dovan to the depression
yet of kind of losing your pace losing
your place in the world because you know
corporate America Im sure you guys all
can appreciate it gives you a lot of
your identity and honestly I can tell
you at this point I havent experienced
that yet Im not saying I wont but I
think because having left corporate
America and going directly into a
project that I had pre-planned what I
wanted to work on and by having these
opportunities fall into my lap of
helping other people really grow and fix
their business for example Ive got an
automotive client kind of ironic that
Im back in the auto industry so quickly
but Im an automotive client whos had a
website they wanted to sell their
product online for years and their
webmaster kind of felt it fell off the
face of the earth and theyre sitting
here with a broken website and its
hurting their business I want to be able
to help people like that because it just
it helps me as a person it makes me
remember that Im still doing good in
the world even though Ive left this big
corporate job where I had all those
responsibilities I have even more
responsibilities now with my family but
I can pick and choose the times that I
work the people at whom I work with and
the projects that they are and its just
an amazing liberation from my previous
lifestyle and Im loving it so if you
enjoyed this if you like these kind of
behind-the-scenes looks of what my life
is like as a new entrepreneur this is
month one Ill be putting out content
like this every single month at the end
of every month to kind of give you an
update almost like a journal entry right
like that those arent dead right and to
help you understand if youre either in
corporate America looking to make that
leap like I have just made or youre in
the in the entrepreneurship game but
youre struggling to really find your
pace I want to help you while I find my
own pace Im not your guru yet obviously
like its month one Im not gonna be a
silly person and think that I know
everything but Im happily trotting
along the path with you and Id love to
help you along the way so if you want to
kind of join my journey go and hit that
subscribe button the bell to be notified
when I release new content like this or
other more in-depth WordPress tutorials
and make sure you hit the like in the
share in the comments and let me know
did you think that I was doing this for
longer than a month I do have to tell
you Ive been working on this with my
wife for about four years now so I know
what Im doing but as far as like
building up my own brand and just
between the kids and the job and
supporting her business there just
wasnt the time of the day its it
dedicates my own efforts so this is it
and Im really looking forward to it Im
loving it and Im loving helping you and
serving you so Ill see you guys in next
video take care